Cases in Jackson County =


Ownership of Governance

The Jackson County Hospital Corporation is an independent special district originally created by special act of the Legislature of the State of Florida in 1939. A Board of Trustees manages the hospital subject to the terms and conditions of the 1939 Act, as amended in 2003 by House Bill 2003, creating the District.

The administrative powers of the District are vested in the Board which shall have charge, control, and management of the property affairs and funds of the District, and which shall have the powers and authority due and perform all acts and functions not inconsistent with the Legislative Act creating the District.

Contact Us

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday
8:00am – 4:30pm

Hospital (main operator)
(850) 526-2200

Surgery Department
(850) 718-2540

Surgery Waiting Room
(850) 718-3052

(850) 718-2554

Surgery fax
(850) 718-2680/2681