Cases in Jackson County =


VCUG (Voiding Cystourethrogram)

What is a VCUG and what does it do?

In urology, a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), also micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG), is a technique for watching a person’s urethra and urinary bladder while the person urinates (voids). The technique consists of catheterizing the person in order to fill the bladder with a radiocontrast agent, typically cystografin.

Who performs the test?

The exam itself is performed by a Radiologic Technologist RT (R). These technologists are nationally registered with the A.R.R.T. (American Registry of Radiologic Technologists) and licensed through the state of Florida.

Where does it take place?

At Jackson Hospital in the Radiology Department.

How long does it take?

Usually 30 minutes to an hour. This may take longer if patients have trouble urinating.

What can I do to make it a success?

  • Bring your orders with you when you come for your x-ray.
  • If you are pregnant, please let your physician know BEFORE you come to hospital for your study.
  • Be sure to follow any preparation instructions you were given.
  • It is recommended that you wear loose, comfortable clothing for the exam. You will need to remove any metallic objects that may be in the path of the x-ray beam (belts, zippers, piercings, etc). To reduce the risk of valuables being lost, it is recommended that they be removed prior to entering the exam room or simply left at home.

What should I do before the exam?

Take nothing by mouth 8 hours prior to your exam. You may take your medications with a minimal amount water.

What happens during the exam?

You will be asked to change into a hospital gown. The technologist will ask questions about your health and history as part of the screening process for the contrast. If you are OK to have contrast, you will be asked to sign a consent form.

You will be asked to lie on our exam table and a catheter will be inserted into your urethra. Your bladder will be filled with contrast media (usually cystografin) through the catheter tube. The technologist will watch as your bladder is filled. Once the bladder is full, a series of pictures will be taken of your bladder in different positions.

You will then be given a special urinal that can be used while standing. The technologist will leave the room and ask you to void (urinate). Pictures will be taken of your bladder as you are voiding.

What should I do after the exam?

The radiologist will review your image(s) and a final report will go to your ordering physician in 24-48 hours.

Contact Information:

Hospital (main operator): (850) 526-2200
Radiology Department: (850) 718-2580

Contact Us

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday
8:00am – 4:30pm

Hospital (main operator)
(850) 526-2200

Surgery Department
(850) 718-2540

Surgery Waiting Room
(850) 718-3052

(850) 718-2554

Surgery fax
(850) 718-2680/2681